Leaving him

#Chapter14 Leaving him

I woke up to find myself on the bed very close to a rock hard body. I took in its scent and recognized it to be my mate's. I had no idea when I slept but I remember clearly putting up a stack of pillows separating us but now we were so close and I liked the feel of his body against mine. He looked so calm sleeping, one wouldn't know he was annoying and authoritative as hell. I had no idea how his pack stood him but they had no other option.

I knew I should have gotten up and left but I just wanted to stay in his arms cause I don't know when that'd ever happen and I liked the feeling. I wish he wasn't such a douche bag maybe I won't even go in the first place and stay with him knowing I was safe for the meantime but I had to do this, it was what's best for me.