Telling him I love him

#Chapter36 Telling him I love him

I didn't know what to say, I was beyond speechless.

/"Correct me if I'm wrong but she's the sister you thought was dead right?/"

/"Yes./" he answered nodding, it seems he still found it hard to believe.

/"Does she recognize you, how do you feel about seeing her?/"

/"She does, I'm happy to see her but she doesn't want to have anything to do with me./" he said sadly and sighed.

/"Are you sure she's the one though? What if someone's playing a trick on you./" people asked for witches help to do this things and someone that knows about them might have disguised as Aria.

/"I'm sure she is. There's a birth mark we both have, she has it./" he answered. Was it that crescent shaped birth mark?

/"Is it the one you have on your chest?/" I asked and he didn't reply.

/"You're asking too much questions Lee./" and that's how we ended the conversation. How is one question too many?