

(Final Chapter)

It has been a week since the war ended. Amon had been kept in jail heavily guarded and tortured and was executed for the whole wolf kingdom to see and the people celebrated his death.

Today is the day that Damon was going to be crowned king and I was so happy for him. Aria also got a position in the kingdom she was after all the princess but she wanted to stay by Chase side as he was now made Alpha of Damon's former pack with Aria his Luna. They were also going to do a ceremony where I'll be crowned wolf queen and I was really excited that all our troubles are finally over and we can now have a semblance of peace and freedom.

/"Ready to be crowned queen mi reina?/" Damon asked sneaking up behind me causing me to shake a little.

/"I'm a little bit scared but I'm ready./" I answered smiling.