
#Chapter9 Attack

/" Just leave him alone would you. /" I shouted and he threw Sam on the floor like he was nothing.

/"You're running away from Loranda, how this all even happen. I want an explanation and I want it now. /"

/" And what makes you think that I'd tell you. You've heard enough as it seems./" I said and before I knew it he was in front of me pinning me to the wall. His muscular frame hovering against my small own.

/" Don't make me force you to. /" he said calmly through gritted teeth. I could tell he was pretty angry

/" What exactly do you want to know? /" I asked sighing. He had to find out some day anyway.

/" Everything. Every single thing ./" he said.

/" Why? It's not like you care anyway, what happened to me doesn't matter to you. I mean nothing to you and I'm going to tell you nothing. If you aren't satisfied with the information you have then... /"