Someone is coming

#Chapter17 Someone is coming

/" I need them to make a protection spell. She manipulates my dreams and uses black magic on me. I have to get rid of that. /" I answered

/" What a sister. /" he said sadly.

/" She's not my sister./" I said sternly and walked ahead of them

We got to the tree and I was so glad that we had something to eat. I ate the fruit while resting under the shade tiredly.

/" Finally, something to eat. /" Jonathan said eating the food with a very good manner

/" Enjoy your last meal very well then. /" A voice spoke and soon enough we were surrounded by about twenty wolves looking at us dangerously.

/" Seriously, we've barely reached anywhere now we're being attacked, who on earth did we offend. /" Jonathan said.

/" Attack. /" the man shouted and the wolves came running towards us and Jonathan immediately shifted.