In Which He Stays With Her

#Chapter22 In Which He Stays With Her

Noah was sitting on the couch holding Blubell who was pretty shaken up by the events that went down.

/"It's okay sweet girl, you're fine now/" Noah said in an attempt to calm her down.

She wasn't crying but she wouldn't let go of him either since they returned home.

/"C'mon baby look at me/" he said trying to pry her off his neck a little but she just held on tighter.

/"Blubell, baby talk to me c'mon/" he said getting a little frustrated. It had been an hour and a half since she was latched onto him like this and won't face him.

At last she moved away from his neck a little hesitantly.

/"That's my sweet girl/" he said cupping her red flushed warm face.

She looked up at him with glassy eyes and her bottom lip started to jut out and wobble. It made Noah's heart clench.

/"Oh baby don't do this/" he said wiping the tear that escaped her eyes with his palm, his eyes softening at the sight.