In Which He Feels For Her

#Chapter25 In Which He Feels For Her

Bluebell woke up to Noah's fingers gently running through her hair, smoothing it out. She sighed and cuddled into him more.

/"Good morning sunshine/" his chest rumbled as he spoke.

/"Good morning/" she greeted back, burying her face in his naked chest.

/"Have a good sleep?/" he asked and she nodded, her face still buried.

/"You know we'll be late for work today but do you wanna just stay home and have a repeat of last night over and over today/" he suggested.

She groaned in embarrassment as the last night's event replayed in her mind and she wasn't gonna admit it but his idea sounded tempted to her.

/"No... you know we can't do that, we can't afford it, not after getting that waterbed/" Bluebell said looking up at him.

/"Mhm... why do you always have to say the right thing, at least the money on the waterbed was so damn worth it/" he said making heat rise to Bluebell's face.