In Which She Almost Dies

#Chapter3 In Which She Almost Dies

/"I am so sorry for the extra half an hour wait, it’s just that it was a busy day today and one of my waitress Wendy , she came down with a cold so i was managing the kitchen as well as waitressing /" Bluebell said taking a seat in front of Noah and planted her elbows on the table and then her face in her palms .

Noah did not mind at all that she got late in fact he didn't even know that the hour and a half passed since he was so engrossed in admiring her from a far plus it was not like he had anything better to do .

/"Nah , it's alright i don't mind/" he said offering her a smile which she gleamingly returned.

/"Okay then so what do you do ? where are you from? where did you live before ? how old are you?/" she asked a stream of questions.

This was the moment he was scared off , he couldn't really lie about it because it would be a bad start.

/"I am currently not employed cause i just got out of prison on a parole/" Noah ripped off the band aid.

Bluebell had a look of pure shock on her face . She couldn't believe that this guy who had such a warm smile sitting in front of her was an evicted criminal on a parole . She was speechless.

Noah saw her expression and decided to try and make his odds of getting this apartment better. It wouldn't hurt to try.

/"Look i know it sounds scary i mean i get it who would wanna live with a criminal but it's all in the past , i am a better guy now , i am on a parole for a reason you know , it's because the court deemed me worthy of it and i am on a parole which means a promise of good behavior i would never do anything that would get me back to prison. I have been trying to get a place since two days now but no one is even considering me after seeing my records so i have been sleeping on a park bench which is really horrible, so please just give me a chance/" Noah said trying to convince her.

Bluebell was pretty torn now.

He is a prisoner on a parole but he seems like such a sweet guy plus he has been struggling for a while now , god it must be so hard sleeping on a park bench but let’s not forget he is a prisoner ! but let’s also not forget that he has been given a chance by the government and those people aren't very generous but they gave him a chance which means he really deserves one and Bluebell herself is a very generous person and he deserves a second chance , everyone does .

/"So when are you gonna move/" Bluebell asked giving him a cheeky smile.

/"What really?!/" Noah asked in astonishment. He finally won't have to live on a park bench.

/"Yea sure/" Bluebell said happy that he was happy.

/"Thank you/" Noah sincerely said and she gave him a no problem smiled.

/"So when are you gonna move in ?/" she asked.

/"Well I’ll i actually move in right now since i don't really have much stuff just some Walmart shirts and pants plus i don’t wanna sleep on that park bench again/" Noah said.

/"Okay then we'll walk together to my apartment since it’s not that far away from here, or do you prefer a cab?/" she asked.

/"No walking sounds fine/" Noah said

/"Okay then/" she said getting up.

/"Jenny please close up before leaving after you’re done cleaning/" she said to the cleaning lady who nodded with a smile.

/"Thank you/" she said to the cleaning lady.

It was so hard not to like her , everyone seemed to love her which was actually quite the opposite for Noah because god knows how many people hated him, he couldn't blame them , he did some pretty ugly things.

They both walked out of the diner and headed for the apartment building.

/"So did you grow up here?/" Noah asked her to want to know more about her.

/"No i am actually from Florida , just moved here five months ago/" she said.

/"Oh that's great/" he said , he was even more curious about her now .

/"What about y.../" before Bluebell could finish she was pulled into Noah's hard chest roughly as she felt a gush of wind pass by her making her hair go everywhere.

She looked to her right and saw a heavy bike racing down the road.

She was gonna die . He saved her , she is too young to die ......

Bluebell was shocked , it all happened to fast.

/"That son of a bitch should die racing that bike/" Noah said , angry that she might've gotten hurt because of some idiot teenager.

Bluebell cringed at his language but she knew he meant well for her.

She then realized that she was still in his tight grip and as much as she enjoyed it , they both had to get to the apartment so she tried wiggling her way out which did not work until he let his arms a little loose around her.

/"Thank you for saving me i don't think i would've survived an accident with a bike going that fast/" she said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

/"Trust me , anytime , anywhere/" Noah said he didn't realize but he secretly vowed it in his heart at that time to keep her safe.

The rest of the walk to the apartment was in a peaceful silence .

As they reached the apartment door which said 10b in gold bold letters Bluebell took out her apartment keys which Noah noticed had small little stuffed animals on its key chain. It made Noah smile. She really was a ray of sunshine.

The apartment was an ideal size with a kitchen , two bedrooms , a lounge and a bathroom.

The place had a very homey , warm feeling to it that worked like magic to calm someone's nerves. The walls were decorated with knitted designs frames and some family pictures , the lounge had a couch , a love seat, a bean bad and a really huge plasma tv. She must like watching tv a lot.

/"I'll show you your room/" she said opening the door to the room on the left.

The room had the main wall painted black while the rest were white with black flower designs on them. There was matching furniture and a comfy single bed with a nicely made duvet and a flower vase with fresh flowers on the side table.

/"I know it's not much but what do you think?/" Bluebell asked nervously fiddling her fingers .

/"Hey, it’s great/" Noah said and her eyes lit up.

/"Really , i won't have to live alone yes!/" she said in excitement and started dancing around and somewhere along there she hugged Noah in excitement.

Noah was taken by surprise but he wrapped his arms around her , loving the feeling of her dainty arms around his torso.

/"I am sorry , i got a little too excited/" Bluebell apologized backing away as she realized what she was doing.

/"It's okay/" Noah said with a smile.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Her dad would lose it if he got to know she was with a criminal , Bluebell thought.