In Which They Fall for Each Other Gradually

#Chapter5 In Which They Fall for Each Other Gradually

In the past, Noah had a great deal of experience in automobile mechanics. It was basically his guilty pleasure and a way of getting away from life for him, he used to work on his car and motorbike all the time, in other words, he worshiped them. He even thought about getting a degree in mechanical engineering but he had no time. It was often that he would go to this mechanic's place nearby and work there as a part-time job, it didn't matter how much he got paid for that since money was the least of his concerns at the time, he had his ways to obtain his bacon.

As of now the mechanic's place used to work at had closed, the police had eventually figured out that the owner was hiding black money in the shop. Noah of course already knew that but chose to keep quiet since it was none of his business plus he was no saint either.