In Which He Gives In

#Chapter27 In Which He Gives In




That's what Nate's time has been around Bluebell for weeks now and it didn't seem to get better. His feelings for her only intensified.

He was afraid that he was slowly giving in to them and the guilt was gnawing at him but he couldn't stop himself from the occasional caresses and the seemingly unintentional but very intentional brushes to the shoulder and her waist. Bluebell being Bluebell was oblivious.

/"What are your plans for tonight guys?/" He asked as Noah pulled away from the kiss he was sharing with Bluebell, in other words, throwing daggers at Nate's heart.

/"Well, nothing to be honest... why do you ask?/" Bluebell asked.

/"There's a party in an hour at a friend's place, he told me to invite as many as I want so if you guys feel up to it you're welcome to join/" he offered. He wanted to spend more time with Bluebell, this was just an excuse.