

Emma's pov :

I woke up with a throbbing headache.

Jesus its literally like someone's playing drums inside my head!

I tried to get up but it was like I was fixated on the bed with restraints over my lower body, that's when I saw the arm around my waist and it was my cue to scream so that's what I did, I screamed. Loud.

/"Aaaaahhhh! Get off me you. you. you./" These are the desperate times I wished I could get myself to curse but the curse words just don't come out.

The man jolted awake in an alert manner and started looking here and there then towards me and that's when I noticed his godly features.

He had a strong jaw line, chocolate brown orbs which were like a pool of chocolates, his juicy pink, red lips that were so kissable and most of all those brown almost black bed hair. What the heck am I doing checking out a stranger in my room most of all on my bed! what is wrong with me ? this is so unlike me !

/"Are you okay? What happened? Why are you screaming?/" He asked and God his voice is so deep. Shut up Emma! I scolded myself.

/"You're asking me is everything okay when a stranger is sleeping with me on my bed!/" I said dead serious now.

/"Sorry to say but you are the stranger sleeping on my bed, but look I am totally calm./" He said and I looked around my surroundings and noticed that he was right, this wasn't my room.

This room was very new fashioned with the theme of black and white, and the furniture alone looked so modern and expensive, basically a bachelor man's dream, hell even the one vase kept there!

I hurriedly scurried up and was about to leave when I noticed that I was in a men's t-shirt. God what did I

do last night? I shouldn't have gone to the club with Kyle and Eli.

/"What happened between us last night? Please don't tell me we did it./" I asked regretting and at first his face seemed confused and deep in thought but then a look of realization crossed his face.

/"Oh yes we did, it was awesome, you were awesome/" He said and all the color drowned my face. I lost my V-card to a stranger at the club. How can I do that? But what's done is done. I'll bask in guilt once in my apartment .

I will try to forget this and never mention it.

/"Look nothing happened last night, nothing happened. It was just meaningless, I'll go my way, you go yours, and we never even met. /" I said sternly.

/"Oh no muffin. I am not forgetting anything. It was just too good for me to forget and you are going nowhere if you were thinking about it./" He said and it angered me.

/"Who do you think you are ordering me around and what makes you think I am going to stay?/" I asked and first he thought for a while and then smirked.

/"Well. you see whatever we did last night . I kind of videotaped it and you know I positioned it more on you, so you are the one mostly seen and I can easily leak it and you know how much the media would kill for it.

Omg no he didn't videotape it!


/"Oh muffin I felt like taping it so i did and secondly do you not realize who I am?/" He asked and I raised my eyebrow at him.

/"Why in the world would I know you?/" I asked

/"Muffin, do you never watch TV or read magazines?/" He asked.

/"No I don't have time for all that crap. I have to study mostly./" I said.

/"Seriously? You don't know me, the multi billionaire and the hottest most bachelor alive? Castiel Cahill./" He asked.

Show off

/"No I don't I may have heard it a couple of times and I don't care about your status. Getting to the point, you are not going to leak the tape. Instead you will give it to me and this will all end right here./" I said and he smirked.

/"Oh darling, why would I tape it if i wanted to give it to you? But one thing can be done./" He said and I gave him a questioning look /"And what would that be?/" I asked.

/"Well, if you agree to live with me for a month, I will not leak the tape and after one month it will be your decision to leave or not. I would gladly keep you and if you want to leave after a month you can and even have the tape with you. So do we have a deal?/" He asked.

What? He wants me to live with him but what will I tell my friends, my parents won't matter because they live in Canada but Kyle and Eli would matter.

/"But what will I tell my friends as well as my roommate?/" I asked.

/"Don't worry about it, it will be handled just tell me do we have a deal?/" He asked again .

/"Uhh. Okay but I don't think I would want to live with you after one month anyway./" I said I mean how bad can it be? It's only a month.

/"Good we will see about that and about your friends, I will inform them that you are on a trip with your secret boyfriend, that's me./"

He said and I nodded. /"You did not even ask my name./" I said. /"I don't need it because I am good calling you muffin, but we are going to live together so it's important so what's your name, muffin?/" He asked.

/"It's Emma./" I said giving my hand to shake instead he took it and kissed it. /"A very short and beautiful name Emma./" He said testing my name on his tongue and I was suddenly in love with my name.