

Emma's P.O.V:

I woke up a bit too warm and opened my eyes to see darkness . Wait what have I gone blind , no , no , no this can't be I haven't even seen the beauty of this world yet !

To clear my confusion I moved a bit side ward and a sigh of relief escaped to see the sun rays shining now and realised that I was seeing darkness because my face was heaved into Castiel's chest and I giggled on me on stupidity at which Castiel stirred.

/" good morning muffin /" he said in his husky morning voice which send shivers down my spine .

/" morning Casanova /" I said ignoring the shivers .

As I was about to get out of the bed he pulled me towards his chest

/" what no morning kiss /" he said leaning in for a kiss but i jerked myself out of his grip and he looked at me with confusion .

/" nope morning breath/" I said and he rolled his eyes