


I woke up when my alarm rang at eight o'clock in the morning. Groaning wanting to sleep more but it wasn't possible as I have to go to my work at the café and my manager isn't the very best lady at all.

I did my daily routine and threw over a sweatshirt and my favorite old but beautiful sweater my granny had knitted for me.

I was getting late today, I always woke up a little earlier so by the time I reached the bus stop the bus was already gone.

Great! Just great! Now what, I don't even have the money for a cab. My only option is to just walk to the next terminal for about fifteen minutes, freezing in the middle of the summer.

As I was starting to begin on what I had to do, a sleek black Lamborghini came to a halt in front of me startling me a bit. But what surprised me more was the fine specimen of a man that came out of it.

He had blond hair with specks of brown in them with stormy grey blue eyes which could intimidate people easily with how unique they are. Coming to his physique he had broad shoulders and chest with quite an amount of muscles and he must be over six feet tall or more towering my only five feet and five inches height.

Overall to say he was damn gorgeous.

I stepped out of my trance when I heard someone clear their throat and it was none other than him.

I blushed scarlet red at the thought of getting caught while checking him out.

/"I am sorry sir. It was rude of me to stare/", I said as I saw his eyes soften.

/"Oh it's no problem darling though, you do look a bit troubled though?/", he asked with concern like I'm no stranger at all. Though I can't help but noticed the endearment he used for me.

/"No big deal sir just missed the bus./", I told quietly, embarrassed.

/"Well then let me give you a ride to the café./", he said.

Wait a minute, how does he know I was going to a café?

I voiced my thoughts, making his eyes widen like saucers and have the expression on realizing something.

/"O-oh it was just a guess, besides its on your employee badge./", he said swiftly as I gave him a doubtful look but took the reason believable.

Of Course it's on my badge, how else would he know? It's not like he was stalking me!

/"So darling, let’s get in the car shall we?/", he said.

/"No need for that sir, it's quite alright. I'm used to walking, besides it's just a few minutes long./", I said.

/"Sweetheart, even a few minutes’ walk is pretty long in this freezing weather. I insist./", he said again.

I protested again quickly, as I saw him closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as if trying to control himself. /"Sweetheart, let's just get into the car./", he said getting hold of my hand and opening the door but I jerked my arm off.

What the hell! he can't just drag me in there, I don't even know who he is!

/"Sir I am alright I don't need no ride. Besides I have been warned about stranger danger! And for all I know you can be a serial killer or a kidnapper, god I don't even know your name!/", I said as his filled with confusion.

/"You really don't know who I am darling, do you?/", he asked and I gave him a questioning look while searching my brain for anything familiar, coming up with absolutely nothing.

/"No sir, I don't. Should I ?/" I asked stubbornly, once again his face soften as he gazed at me.

/"Well yes, you should. But now I can assure you I am no serial killer nor a kidnapper./", he said.

/"Well, I gotta get going./", I said and was about to walk away when he stopped me, again.

/"You're getting late! It's eight fifteen already, you should have been to the cafe at eight. If you take a walk to the next terminal it would take a long time, resulting on you getting scolded by your manager, so perhaps a ride won't hurt./", he responded immediately I'll fear of him being out of breath and just collapse right in front of me.

I guess he's right, my manager would kill me and by the looks of it he doesn't seem like a serial killer or a kidnapper to me. Added that he's in a designer suit and a damn Lamborghini, though he's intimidating. He can't be any of the above so perhaps I ride won't hurt.

/"Okay, I'll take your offer ./", I said softly and shakily as his presence intimidated me quite a lot. I saw relief on his face and as his blue eyes diminished of any emotion except of warmth.

He opened the door for me and I got in muttering a thank you to him as he smiled at me. His smile was gorgeous .

/"So princess, what's your name?/" He asked in a manner like he already knew it but I shrugged it off as my stomach did somersaults at the third nickname.

/"Oh it's Claire Colton, sir what's yours?/", I said and he smiled repeating my name under his breath. As my own lost its way out of my body.

God what is happening to me!

/"Well, it's Zachary Rodriguez./", he said and I repeated his name lightly as he did.

/"Well now that you know my name, refer to me as a Zachary or Zac. No sir-s anymore./", he said curtly and I nodded.

Once I reach my destination, /"Sir, it's right here./", I said pointing to the direction of where the café is.

/"Claire, I told you to call me Zachary or Zac./", he said

/"I'm sorry Si-Zac./" I said and he smile a heartwarming smile.

The car came to a halt and I was about to get out when Zac stopped me.

/"Princess I just want you to do me a favour, would you?/", he asked softly caressing my cheek and it took everything in my will to not lean into his touch. Nonetheless I nodded.

/"Well I want you to go and Google my name and see what'll come up./", he said and I nodded.

/"Good girl, now go and have a nice day./", he uttered.

/"You too sir, have a nice day and thanks a lot for the ride. Bye!/" I responded back loudly, getting out of the car and waving as he waved back.

Well, that's...surprising.