Dinner Served

#Chapter22 Dinner Served

They were done setting up camp, Ellie had decided to help in doing that but her screw-ups had only led them to take more time but nobody seemed to mind much cause it was actually quite entertaining to see the city girl struggle adorably with the tent.

Once she had given up Jason had taken over and set everything up within twenty minutes, she had huffed at that, calling him a showoff, he just chuckled, wrapping an arm around her and getting the shotgun in the other as they had decided to go hunting first.

They had been walking for a while now and were a bit away from camp.

Finally, they had found good, lush bushes to hide behind.

/"This is quite the spot, I bet we'll score something here/" Watson said and Jason agreed.

/"Remember, nothing too excessive, no one's gonna eat much of the meat and it would be a burden to carry it along/" Jason said and they all agreed with that one.