

Aruda :

After the terrible attack that was caused by the demon hellhound rogues few days ago.

A letter was sent to Aruda secretly and privately by an unknown person.

He delivered the letter and left almost immediately.

But smartly as Scott be noticed him but the unknown person was quick enough to escape Scott questions. /"Aruda check that out and what does the letter says?/".

I immediately opened the letter when I saw it and it says, /"Dear Aruda, you probably don’t know who I am, but I know who you are… You are the LADY ASSASSIN {Werewolf Huntress}. I’d make my day if you’d adhere to the date I set for us. It’s 12:12:12 at the Cave of the Hound.. If you don’t adhere to the date, I’ll kill every single thing that matters to you, starting with Eric.. Sincerely Duncan./" I read and ended it out loud.

Scott was ridged as we pulled up the my house.

/"Who is Duncan?/" Scott asked inquisitively.