

NICK SOUNDED PISSED but also surprised, shocked and a little happy. Jake couldn't blame him either because he hadn't talked to them ever since he decided to transfer. He did everything he could to break all form of contact which wasn't him at all.

Jake had always cared for his friends and always listened to them. Hence he broke all form of contact with them because he knew that they would convince him to come back home and he wasn't ready to face his parents just yet. That was the reason he severed all ties with them.

/"Jake are you there?/" Nick asked on the other end of the line. He sounded less pissed off than he was when he picked the call up.

Jake was silent as he took a breath to get his emotions under control and not break down. He didn't know how much he had missed Nick until he'd heard his voice and all the memories came rushing back.

/"I'm here Nick,/" he choked on his words. /"I'm here./"