

TODAY WAS GOING to be different. I didn't why or how, but I just knew something was going to happen that broke my usual everyday boring routine.

I didn't know what it was but something felt different. I got to my Math class and took my usual seat at the front. Yes, I wear spectacles and sit at the front of all my classes, that doesn't mean anything. It just simply means that I prefer being in front so I can actually see what's happening.

Mr. Finn was sitting at his desk going over some papers. /"Good morning Alexis!/" he said as he looked up from his papers. I smiled in return and took out my notebook and textbook.

The other pupils began filing in and the last one to walk in was Nick. What, Nick?

Mr. Finn clasped his hands together, /"ah yes the new student I was talking about last week is here, care to introduce yourself young man?/"