

I WOKE UP early and got dressed in some comfy and presentable clothes. Then I grabbed my phone and bag and headed out the door.

It was still pretty early and since I didn't want to wake any of my parents, I quietly tip-toed downstairs and made myself a toast with a cup of black, sugar-free coffee-just the way I liked it. I quickly ate the toast and downed the coffee which burned my mouth in the process and then I proceeded to leave the house.

It was still pretty dark outside as I sat on the front porch waiting for Asher's white SUV to pull up any minute. And sure enough, he pulled up at exactly 6:30am.

I stood up and dusted imaginary dirt from my jeans as I got into his car. /"Morning./"

/"Morning,/" Ash responded with a small smile on his face. /"Are you ready for an incredible morning looking for the best puppy ever?/" he beamed as he began driving.

/"Of course. Steph will totally be all over you today,/" I mused.