

I SAT ON my bed revisiting all the events that took place over the weekend. My life was beginning to feel like those clichéd movies they always show on TV.

I didn't know how my life turned into a movie, but what I did know was it was all my mum's doing and I did not like it one bit. I did not appreciate her trying to set me up with one of my new friends. It didn't work like that. They were the first actual friends I made aside from Asher.

I grabbed my phone and dialled the one person I knew would always give me good advice. He picked up on the second ring.

/"Alexis!/" he said. /"To what do I owe this call at such an ungodly hour?/" he asked but I could hear the amusement in his words.

/"Why are you being so formal all of a sudden?/" I said laughing. /"Can't I just call because I want to?/" I asked. /"Plus, it's noon not past midnight./"

/"No! No, you can't. You always want something so what is it?/" he questioned.