

I WAS BY my locker when a pair of hands snaked around me from behind and pulled me into them. I tensed and tried to wriggle out of the person's hold but to no avail.

/"Let go of me you psychopath,/" I said still trying to get out of their hold. /"It's illegal to hold someone against their wish./"

The person chuckled and I felt my body vibrate.

/"Woah! Alexis chill out,/" Nick said as he spun me so I was facing him. He pulled me in for a hug and placed a kiss on my forehead. His cologne enveloped me and I found myself nuzzling more into him as my eyes closed.

/"Are you smelling me? Again?/"

/"No!/" I replied and he chuckled.

I wasn't about to admit that I was indeed smelling him because that would make me look like a creep. Yeah, not going to happen.