

SATURDAY WAS FINALLY here and James couldn't calm down from how excited he was to finally meet Nick in person. He gushed over how they both liked the same basketball team and how he couldn't wait to see the signed Michael Jordan jersey.

While I, on the other hand was a bundle of nerves. What if this dinner didn't go well? or what if I have one of my episodes and fainted while he is here?

I grabbed my phone and called Asher who picked up on the third ring.

/"What do you want Alexis?/" Steph's voice asked irritated.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly blew the air out of nose before replying. /"Can you put Asher on?/"

/"No! He's busy at the moment,/" she snapped. /"Don't you have your own boyfriend to talk too?/"

/"Actually, yes I do have my own boyfriend, but Asher happens to be my best friend and I'd like to talk to him,/" I said calmly. /"So, would you please be a doll and give him the phone?/"