

FOUR MORE DAYS, that was how much time I had until the surgery. I dreaded each passing moment because the pessimistic side of me kept telling me that I wouldn't make it and I was only fooling myself by believing.

Asher came over whenever he didn't have football practice or a football match and we hung out a lot. He would bring some of my school work and we'd do it together. Sometimes, he would even tell me how his relationship with Steph was going and how sometimes he just couldn't stand her clinginess. He also told me how the football guys missed me a lot and sent their well wishes.

James moved back home full time and spent his mornings with me before he would drive back to his lectures which was a sweet gesture. But I hated the fact that he had to drive four hours to and from school each day. Each time he came over I would tell him he didn't have to move back but he only dismissed me with a wave of the hand and he would tell me it was no big deal.