


I HAD BEEN dreading this moment ever since I knew it was a possibility. I didn't want anything to happen to Leah, she was the only sibling I had left after Kayla passed and she was all mum had. But more importantly, I did not want to have to lose Alexis after I just got her.

I had spent a huge amount of time researching SCD and how to treat it but each time it always led to a negative finding. The older you are, the riskier it is to have a successful bone marrow transplant. The odds were against her and that, that just broke me because I loved her. And to make matters worse, I didn't tell her I loved her when she said it to me.

Sighing, I opened the door Dr. Dave had pointed me to and saw mum sat next to Leah who was stretched out on the small hospital bed.


/"Hey!/" Leah smiled, /"how's your girlfriend holding up?/" she asked.