

A LOUD BEEPING sound woke Liam from his slumber. His eyes shot open only to realise he was back in his room, but how he got there he couldn't quite remember.

He got up from bed as a loud groan fell from lips at the thumping in his head. It was as if someone was consistently drumming in his skull. He reached for his phone to see who would so rudely wake him up.

Liam searched for his phone and found it besides his bed, placed perfectly at the charger as if someone had taken extra care too. The screen flashed once more indicating he got yet another text message.

How are you doing?

Hope I didn't wake you up?

The messages read from an unknown number and he couldn't quite pinpoint who the sender was.

I'm slightly better but nursing a huge hangover.

He typed and sent the message. But after a moment's hesitation, he decided to ask the one question that was nagging him.

Who is this?