

THAT WAS ALL it took to diffuse the massive tension that was hanging on everyone's heads as they all burst into laughter. Even Nick cracked a half smile.

This was one of the reasons that Jake missed Kai so much. He always knew when to be serious and when to say the weirdest things that made everyone laugh.

/"A lot actually, you should come and visit,/" Jake joked.

/"Of course we are coming to visit,/" Kai said seriously. /"After you tell us everything like where the hell you are. But not before telling us who that guy in the photo by your bedside table is./"

Jake looked at the photo he was talking about and a small smile made its way onto his face at it. Liam was making goofy faces at the camera while Jake took the pictures. Something weird surged through his chest before it was gone just as quickly as it had come.

/"Aw our little Jake has a crush on someone,/" Asher cooed. /"THIS IS INCREDIBLE!/"