

WHERE ARE THE cute girls? Kai bellowed from across the coffee shop. I remember being promised some before I flew all this way.

Everyone in the coffee shop turned to stare at him, some with bemused expressions while others had frowns. He was certainly not helping things by being loud.

Nick, Asher and Evan burst into laughter while Jake shook his head with a smile on his face. This was one of the things that made him wonder why he was still friends with Kai. But the other part of him knew the answer to that-he made life worth living.

You lied to me Jake, I don’t see any. All I’ve seen are guys this entire time, Kai whined as he looked around the room which mostly had guys and a few couples. This doesn’t make me feel better about catching a flight here.

What about Zoyi? Remember, your girlfriend? Nick asked still laughing.