

MY BIGGEST FEAR had come to life and I couldn't move or do anything about it. I was completely frozen on my spot.

/"I'll leave you two to talk things out,/" Asher said and quickly walked out of the room.

Nick was stood by the door the whole time and didn't bother moving. /"Why didn't you tell me?/" he asked calmly but quietly.

/"I-I,/" I began but I could not find the right words.

He picked up the books from the floor and walked towards the bed where he gently placed them and took a seat.

/"I was worried about you when Asher told me you'd been hospitalised so I thought I could bring you your homework and spend some time with you,/" he said as he looked at me so intensely that I had to look away. /"But then I find out this./"

My breathe was logged in my throat and I couldn't say anything. I just sat there and listened.