

Fiza's POV:

/"What's the time or Nuwair flight?/" Sheheryar asked me keeping his focus on the road ahead. We had dinner at Chachu's house tonight and now we are heading back home.

/"Tomorrow morning./"

/"You should've told me before that he will not stay until Walima, we didn't even invite him to dinner./"

What gives me the surety that you wouldn't mind me telling...

/"Sorry./" I answered.

/"No need to apologize for this./" He said and pick up his cell phone from the dashboard which is continuously buzzing.

/"Hello Mom, how are you?/" He carefully stopped the car on aside.

I couldn't help but notice that he didn't Salam her and the change of his tone. I know that his mother isn't favouring our marriage but he shouldn't talk to her like that.

/"Of course Mom, you know me better. I don't give up on things once I made my mind./" A small smirk formed on his face, like he was mocking his mother.