

Sandal's POV:

/"Allah...! I can't do this anymore./" I said to myself and put my head on the table.

Sir showed up last Monday and had a small meeting with me and Ali about him leaving the city for a few days and both of us have to fill his place during his absence - Which was not a very good idea. Ali is fine... but not me. I don't have a clue about what construction work is. All I have done before is take care of Sir's daily routine, manage paperwork, attend phone calls and so on. But how the hell would I understand these different sizes of boxes they call floor plans, site plans, etc.

/"Sandal, stop goofing around and get back to work./" Ali scolded me when he saw my head down.

/"Please Ali, have mercy on me. I don't understand these things... How could you expect me to find the correction of errors in these floor plans when I don't even know what they are...? These are just boxes with numbers to me./" I said helplessly.