

Sandal POV:

/"BAJJO...! Ahmed Bhai is calling you.../" I was washing dinner dishes when l heard Hareem's shout from my room.

/"Go bajjo, your Hubby is calling you./" Areeba teased.

/"Shut up!/" I left the dishes and walked to my room. Hareem was busy playing a game on Ahmed's tablet, while her head resting on his lap and he was guiding her how to play.

Friendly much ...?

/"G (yes)?/" I asked entering the room.

/"Where is Auntie?/" Ahmed asked.

/"Sleeping, she got tired because people were coming for condolence./"

/"Hm, sleep is good for her.... and... where is the cactus?/" Hareem giggled when he called Areeba 'cactus'.

/"She is making tea./" I sat on a cushion in the corner of the room.

When Areeba brings his tea and cold drinks for us sisters. He teased Areeba, /"Having Saaliyan (sister-in-law) is a blessing for a man. Right cactus?/"