

/"W-who? Who saved me, Dale/" Asked Ella with a shivering voice?

She was grateful that someone saved her but the thought of someone getting implicated with her made her worry for that person.

/"Let us not bother about your savior, dear. He can take care of himself very well. I have a message for you. I met a close associate in market just few moments ago and came to know that his master needs fresh wholesome goods in bulk so I told my associate about you./" Ella was stunned beyond belief at what Dale said.

She didn't know how to feel about the good opportunity that knocked her door. Should she take it? Could she believe him? Could she believe in herself?

She was quite popular for having foul luck; how come things are turning out better for her suddenly is a mysterious and chilling question that was plaguing her mind.

/"Dale, how can I – /" Ella started to protest not knowing how to take in this sudden turn of events.