

Madonna grumbled as she walked beside Lucius. From a peripheral glance, she could see a smile of satisfaction on his lips which irked her more.

How she wishes to wipe the smile from his face!

/"You haven’t informed me of the purpose of weakening Keya./" Lucius asked as he matched her pace beside her.

They entered the tunnel cave which was dark and long. Madonna flicked her fingers to lighten the fire logs along the pathway.

It is behind the tunnel is where the tribe of elves reside and it was very important to Madonna to strip Keya of her powers. Killing her was not her work although she does know that not long after her powers are gone, she shall be killed.

/"I want her weak and that is good enough purpose./" Madonna answered sternly but she was chuckling to herself inside.

Oh how she liked the spat of words with Lucius.