

Sienna Point of View

He's such a devil!

He's a Satan.

A Giant Satan with big horns more dangerous than any other satan in Disney movies.

I heard he is one of the richest men in the world. The list of businesses he owns is more than the hair I have on my scalp!

If it is really true as it is mentioned in the international business magazines, then why he is not busy round clock?

If it's true then can't he just let me be? But no, he finds special time from his tight schedule to torture me.

With a smirking look on his arrogant face he often visits my desk and then start to make me...

Hmmm... I meant make remarks on me!

Eww! What happened to me? Why am I talking in double meaning, like he was from the day I saw his naked glory?

He now got a bell near my desk and ordered me that I should be present in his cabin with in 25 seconds of the bell rang.

What am I?

A clown?

A puppet?