

Sienna Point Of View

What happened suddenly?

One minute he was furious and probing me to prove myself that I was not flirting. That I was innocent at that moment. That I was not doing anything out of the limits he created for me.

And I did.

I closed my eyes and stopped struggling to prove myself and to show him that I'm not who he thinks.

/"You were asking how my father used this punishment room for my room, yes!/" He asked while making himself comfortable on me. I didn't reply anything because I know this is not the time to get to know the family histories.

I was quiet terrified and scared a lot and there was lot of pain in my heart caused by many things that happened and happening with me.

/"Answer ME!/" He bellowed biting my lips like and animal and drawing blood from them while I gave a quick nod and looked at his evil smirk through my glossy eyes.

When has he become so heartless suddenly?