


/"Life is good especially on a Friday /"

The graveyard painting looks the same as the real one.

/"Are you psychic?/" Taylor doubted. All these years, whenever Chloe drew something without knowing, it comes true. It’s weird right. But whatever happened is good, but she doesn’t know what will happen now.

/"I AM NOT A PSYCHIC!/" she shouted at Taylor, but her voice was barely audible. Then she noticed Ruby’s face at the moment.

/"You have a bandage on your head. I didn’t see that in the morning,/" she questioned. Ruby hesitated a lot and looked at the others, hoping they would answer it.

/"That’s because Becca pushed me down the stairs. I know she did it purposefully, but why she’s always targeting me. I did nothing to hurt her./" Ruby’s eyes welled with tears.

Chloe doesn’t know how to comfort her./" We can’t change her. I think you should tell this to the principal./"

'That will make her angry to the core. That’s not a good option,/" Ian told.

/"Please don’t be sympathetic to her, /"Taylor pleaded, seeing Ruby’s worried face.

/"Okay, but she’s going to pay for whatever she did,/" Chloe reassured.

/"Okay, stop everyone. A slight injury in my head won’t do anything to me. I will see you guys tomorrow,/" Ruby firmly told and walked out of the hall.

/"Guys, I have the next class. Bye,/" Taylor left. Chloe and Ian are the only ones remaining in the class. Both looked at each other.

/"Let’s break the tension/" Ian patted her shoulder, and both seated on a chair. Chloe took a new page and started drawing something new.

/"What are you going to do next? Any other graveyard,/" he teased.

/"No, Ian. Don’t tease my painting/"

/"Okay, psychic. Now I am going to sleep. Wake me when it’s over,/" he ordered, and leaned on her shoulder. He drifted off to sleep within minutes.

/"I am not a pillow. This isn’t fair,/" she muttered, letting him sleep. Ian is in the 12th grade like Ruby, Taylor, and her brother. But somehow, they became best friends. He can’t go a day without teasing her. He is a non-stop talkative guy and all he ever wants is to be a pianist.

The time goes by and Chloe slowly opened her eyes to see she’s fallen asleep in the hall. She’s lying on Ian’s lap and he’s still asleep. She glanced at her watch. It’s already six. She doesn’t have a single memory of finishing the current drawing. She stared at it in shock. A building was fallen in the garden and there’s fire everywhere around the ground.

/"Hey boy, get up,/" she called him silently. He slowly reacted and shouted all of a sudden. /"It’s evening, why don’t you wake me up?/"

/"So what? Are you a busy person? Stop acting like you have a million works to do./"

/"I accept that. But what the hell you have drawn. All I can see is fire, fire, fire,/" he said, holding her painting.

/"I don’t know when I drew it. I just slept./" She tried to snatch the book from him. After some stupid arguments, they reached the entrance.

While Caleb is finished playing lacrosse with his friends. Soon there will be a match and he’s determined to win. The wings team should beat the ravens.

Sweat drifts over him when the practice ends. /"Caleb, your girlfriend is waiting for you,/" Elliot teased him.

/"Oh no, I didn’t notice. It’s Friday evening,/" he remembered. Mostly everyone goes to a party on Friday, but here Caleb and his sisters spend their time at the home. They spent the remaining day with their family. Ruby and Ian also join them.

/"Hey, wait for ten minutes for the tips,/" Elliot shouted at him, but Caleb’s already halfway running towards Ruby. ‘Team leader going to tell the same boring encouraging tips’ he muttered to himself.

/"Can we go now?/" he kissed Ruby on her cheeks. He took his bag and questioned about her injury. The same questions and the same answers until he reached his home. He slowly opened the door and entered the living room. Her sisters are seated on the couch and Ian is searching for an interesting movie to see. After a bath, Caleb joined them.

/"We are going to see twilight,/" Ian announced.

/"Well, it’s always vampire-themed,/" Charlotte complained. /"Why can’t we see any romance movies?/" she added.

/"Maybe we can see any animated movies,/" Chloe suggested.

/"Seriously Chloe. Don’t be a kid. We can see divergent./" Caroline told giving popcorns to everyone. It’s like their mini-theatre.

Finally, twilight part 1 was played.

/"Have your eyes on your popcorn,/" Chloe raised her voice in between the movies when Ian was annoying her by talking about something.

/"Guys, the time for the movie is over. Let’s play truth or dare./" Charlotte switched off the television.

/"I don’t like truth or dare./" Ruby rejected.

/"No choice, join us/" Care ordered and Ian got a bottle. He spun it and it landed on Charlotte and Caleb.

/"I will take the truth,/" she told before Caleb spoke.

/"Tell anything you kept as a secret in your high school days, sis,/" Caleb asked.

/"It’s easy and embarrassing. I hooked up with my best friend’s boyfriend,/" she said silently.

/"Okay, I didn’t expect that. Tell his name. I would have known him./" Care demanded. Care and Charlotte are having just a one-year difference in their age. So, Care knows the boys who studied with her sister in 11th grade.

/"That’s none of your business./" she beamed and ignored her sister.

/"Who’s next?/" Caleb again spun the bottle. It landed on Caleb and Ian.

/"Truth or dare, Cal,/" Ian asked challengingly.

/"Dare,/" Caleb proudly told, but what comes next is unexpected.

/"Sneak out to Becca’s house without giving doubt to anyone and take something that belonged to her./" Ian simply said.

/"What? You got to be kidding me. She’s the queen of problems and I can’t buy it./"

/"Right./" Ruby supported him and held his hands.

/"Chill down, it’s just a dare. You should do this,/" Charlotte changed his mind.

/"You convinced me. I am going to rock this./" he determinedly stood up and others followed him outside. Becca’s house is nearby to them.

When he reached it, others stood at the end of the road, seeing him going alone. Caleb jumped through the window. Becca’s room is empty without anyone, but all the lights are on. He looked everywhere to take something. /"Well, this should go,/" he whispered and took a lipstick from her make-up set. It’s difficult to spot the one among many other things. Suddenly, something caught his eyes. Her phone buzzed. He took it and saw a message from an unknown number.

Becca: Well, what happened today is not satisfying.

XXX: It should be. You pushed Ruby down.

That’s fun. What do you want more than that?

Becca: That’s enough for her. But I want to do something for her friends. Caroline always interrupts me. Without them, Ruby is useless.

XXX: Yes, I know that. I hate them too.

45 minutes later,

XXX: Hey where are you? I got an idea...