


Whether it goes into the woods or not. Who’s going to examine it? Soon, Caleb, Bianca, and the others are treated in the hospital. It’s not a big issue after some days. The school was careless and didn’t have an idea to investigate it. Things were back to normal. Lacrosse can’t practice in the school area until the construction work is finished. It’s ongoing, which will be done before the match. It’s pretty difficult to fix the crack in the ground. The principal announced that the crack isn’t anybody’s fault.

/"How’s your brother?/" Bill asked Care, leaning on the wall taking a break from work.

/"He’s good. I was being stressed nowadays,/" said Care, letting out a sign standing next to him. No call from Daniel worries her a little. But most of the stress is on her work. Care and Charlotte alone can’t able to pay for their life every day. She had already taken leave for a few days to watch her brother’s health.