

The next day went by so fast. I learned a lot from the book and my aunt doesn’t know that I went out yesterday. It’s a great escape. But I won’t do that mistake again. I can’t face the consequences of getting caught. I also thought of asking her about the Sapphire academy. Well, I know the answer before even asking. ‘You can’t go to Sapphire Academy, Sydney. I should keep you safe and how did you know about the academy?’ Then can I tell her about meeting a vampire boy? ‘I met a vampire boy who said about this academy and we even kissed’. Hell no, I can’t tell that. It’s like getting my head into a volcano. She will be sweet as sugar but hard as ice when I rebelled against her rules.

I walked to my room with some chips packets to eat and spend the rest of the evening. I turned on the laptop and typed ‘The sapphire Academy’ in ‘Slatycity’. Like Google, Slatycity is used in Slateville. I knew things like this so I could download many games to spend my time.

Slatycity loaded for a second, and a picture emerged in front of my eyes. I was insane to think that the Sapphire academy will be made of Sapphire. It looks like any other Academy, but so large and luxurious. The Sapphire is named after the first existence of a Witch in Slateville. Next to the academy, there’s an image of Victoria Hale, the witch Queen who I saw in my beginners Slateville book. She looked so beautiful in her Blue royal gown and jewellery. She’s braided her hair and smiling proudly at the picture. She really looked gorgeous.

Below the information, there’s a registration form to fill for sixteen years, girls and boys.

‘If only my aunt accepts it’ I whispered to myself and closed the laptop. She won’t accept it. I will be staying here forever without going to the academy like any other witches.

Buzz. Buzz.

Suddenly, my phone rang. What? Is it my phone? Is it really my phone? My aunt is learning some spells in the hall and who will be calling me? Is it Jacen? It’s not even been one day since I talked to him. I eagerly took my phone and attended to it tensely.

/"Hello/" I heard his sexy voice on my phone.’ No, why am I appreciating him as sexy?’

/"Sydney?/" He called again, and I was back in the present.

/"Hi, Jacen. I never thought you would call me within a day./" I managed to say it by lowering my voice. If my aunt heard it, she will think I’m talking to myself, which is not true.

/"Well, I did. How can I forget you, baby?/" he added baby again. Why is he doing that?

/"Don’t call me baby./" I firmly said, trying to hide my nervousness.

/"Fine, baby./" oh my god, he’s giving me goosebumps through the phone.

/"So, I was thinking you could join in a website where we can chat a lot and you will even find many friends./" I never knew about any websites like that. All I did my play games, watch movies, trying some spells by myself.

/"What’s that?/"

/"It’s called ‘’. Do it now./" He urged me. I don’t know why he is so interested in that.

/"Wait./" I opened my laptop again, typing on the website. After some minutes, I started filling in the information.

/"Hey, I entered it. I think it will be interesting. My username is Sydney_marin,/" I replied to him and looked at the website. They’re a place for posting pictures and videos and writing about our day. I got a notification within a minute from Jacen_smith. ‘his last name is smith’ I wondered.

/"Well, good job. So, what are you doing?/"

/"I am just planning on seeing any movies. It’s kinda boring./" I lay on my bed, holding my phone.

/"I wish I could be there for you. If you don’t mind, I will come to your house. We can watch movies together. It won’t be boring./" he asked for my permission. I can’t say yes, but I imagined him in my room watching a movie. I wish I could accept it.

/"That’s not possible, Jacen./" I stubbornly said.

/"Maybe it is. Don’t tell the same reason about your aunt Bla Bla blah.../" He adorably said it and made me laugh.

/"But there’s a change if I could sneak out to your room./" I can feel his mischievous smile.

/"But you don’t know my house. You just know my street./" I victoriously smiled at myself.

/"Who said I don’t know your house? A few minutes earlier, you signed up in I found your address from it./" He laughed out loud. I’m a stupid girl. Without even knowing about a website, I signed up for it just because of Jacen.’ Why did I do it for Jacen?’

/"Are you there, Sydney baby?/"

/"Oh god. Baby is better than Sydney baby./" I complained. He irritates me a lot.

/"So, you are accepting the word ‘baby’?/" I was about to reply, but he interrupted me.

/"Got to go, I will talk with you later./" He hung up and finally I saved his name in my contacts.


It’s been a few days, and I spent some of my time chatting with Jacen. I really don’t enjoy chatting when I can’t see his face.

I walked down the stairs as my aunt called for breakfast

/"Good morning,/" I said, taking a seat on the dining table. I can see she made some bread toasts and joined me while eating.

Ring. Ring.

I heard the phone ring. Lydia went to take it. Her facial expression changed the moment she attended the call. She seriously talked on the phone. I can see she’s under much stress due to her job. Her work is really difficult to handle. Suddenly, she panicked and shouted.

/"What? But I can’t do that... I’m so sorry, please understand...I have my niece at my house to take care of. Can’t you understand it.../" Is she talking about me? I’m her only niece. Oh god, why is she mentioning my name? I can’t overhear the other person on the phone.

/"I know you really need my help... anyway, thank you for your idea but I won’t... seriously...Are you trying to convince me.... you should understand I’m not interested in money. I have never been such a type of person... Fine. I will do it. Think of it as done. Just give me a week. Later,/" she snapped and punched the wall in anger. The Complete kitchen vibrated in her anger.

/"Is something wrong, Aunt?/" I slowly asked to let her share her problems with me. For a few seconds, she ignored me and took a deep breath. Soon enough, she calmed herself down and looked up at me.

/"Someone’s been possessed by a demon and I need to go to another city to solve./" Is that all? She’s always been travelling around cities. It’s not new to me.

/"I won’t be back for 6 months./" She let out a frustrating sign.

/"What?/" my eyes got widened in shock.

/"Yes. I need to find some home to take care of you till I’m back./" Oh no. I don’t want to go to any new place. I don’t want it. I don’t want it.