/"I can’t take you there in this state,/" Chris said, not convincing.
/"Then, I will drive by myself/" I yelled and got up with pain in my legs. /"Fine, don’t be stupid. I will take you there. Guys, get in the car,/" he said to me and others. I am glad he’s convinced. I do know what I have to do.
We drove to the grave, and I tried to manage until we reached it. I stumbled to get out of the car. Chris caught me./" Thanks./" I started walking up to Alaric’s grave. Alaric doesn’t have a family, so we are the only ones who want to know what happened to him. I still wonder why am I searching for who murdered him. I started digging with my own hands because I can’t wait any longer.
/"Stella, you got to be kidding me. You cannot dig with your hands,/" Chris said and everyone joined to dig it. Finally, we reached the coffin. Shivers ran down my spine when I was about to open it.