

Finn's standpoint

There are lot of things in the past that I had done, only one I regret. If I did a better job at taking care of her, she wouldn't have died. It was all my fault, but I was going to correct it when I bring her back.

I stood at the poop deck watching the island girl, she was staring at the sea quietly. It had been three days since she made me drink alcohol, three days of surviving things I had no idea existed in the sea. The girl had been awfully quiet, whenever I was near she would shift away from me. There was something new about her behavior, something laced with fear. I had no idea what it was, maybe the way I yelled, or maybe she just decided to let me be. Either of it, I didn't like it.

/"There!/" She cried out, /"that's the two fangs of the ocean. Steer the boat between the fangs and we arrive at the island to the temple,/"