

Suzanne's standpoint

I looked around the room I was in, it looked more like a room fit for a prisoner than a bedroom. I was back in one of those visions, one where that green girl was being tormented by the vampire guy who happened to be a king. In my dreams I saw him there, yelling at her while others treated her bad. Green girl was in so much pain.

This time, I was seeing through her eyes, I was acting as her. He didn't hit the green girl much, Dainty – like he called her – but his bite was worse than any physical assault. Finn as his name was, always left her drained of every energy with little blood to spare. Dainty was in hell. I hated him, I hate him for what he made her go through, what he forced the innocent tree nymph to endure. And you want to know the funniest thing about it all, Dainty loved him so much.

How do you love someone who cause you so much pain?