

Suzanne's standpoint

I stirred in the bed, something was binding me down from moving too much, strong warm arms. I already knew who it was, only one person would hold me like that without fearing what I would do... Or rather, only one person would make my body so relax. I giggled as I remembered that he never slept close to Dainty to cuddle, even after every brutal sex. This was a huge bonus and achievement for me.

I tried to move again, forcing my eyes open. When my eyes looked up to his, it was staring back at me with adoration. His steel blue eyes with smoke grey highlight shone with the same contentment he looked at me with in my fantasy dream. I smiled at him as he kept staring at me. The smoke of his eyes began expanding as a new emotion surfaced, lust.

/"Good morning,/" I beamed, my voice came out smoother than I expected it. /"Did you sleep well?/"