

I wake up in the smell of food in front of me. I open my eyes and see that there are two guys sitting with hamburger with their hands. My stomach is now crumbling by the smell of it.

/"Kalvin the girl is awake./" Goon A say to Goon B which is Kalvin.

/"Give her food and water Lino, I don't want to see that girl die because of lack we starved her./" Kalvin said to Goon A which is Lino.

Lino stands up and offered me a bottle of water and one of his burgers. My stomach crumbled again with the smell of it. I took it and ate it all with just three bites.

/"Where is Loui?/" I ask.

/"Loui's out, she's not here but she will come back later./" Kalvin answered.

/"Who are you?/" I ask

/"I am Kalvin and that's Lino, we are Loui's cousins./" Kalvin said.

/"Why are you helping her? You know this is bad and you may get killed because of this./" I said