

Tobias was the first to step out of the elevator, sporting his black suit today, accompanied by a white shirt and silver tie. His head was bowed, staring at his phone. He grabbed his coffee off the tray without even glancing up at me and walked directly into his office. Theo on the other hand had a grey suit on, and the top three buttons on his white shirt were undone, exposing part of his chest. I had yet to see him ever as polished as Tobias, or in a tie for that matter. Theo stopped, grabbed his mug, and took a sip. /"Good morning, Imogen,/" he said with a wink before prowling into his office across from Tobias. That man reminded me of a giant cat with the way he walked.

I couldn't help the blush that crept across my face, making my entire body heat up. I quickly placed the tray back in the kitchen before grabbing the tablet off my desk. I hesitantly stood at the door to Tobias' office, hoping to god he was in a good mood today.

Just before I knocked, his voice sang out. /"Are you going to enter or stand out there all day?/" His husky deep voice made me jump before I opened the door enough to quickly slip in. Tobias sat at his desk, fingers typing away at his laptop. He still hadn’t looked up. I stood there balancing from foot to foot awkwardly. I found Mr. Kane very intimidating, he was always so formal, so serious. When I didn't speak, he looked up, eyes pinning me where I stood. My hands trembled slightly at his intense gaze. He cocked his head to the side waiting for me to speak, snapping me to my senses. I stepped forward, clutching the tablet in my hands like a shield while I checked his schedule.

/"You have a meeting at 12 with Mr. Jacobs. I have also forwarded the proposals ready for your meeting, and I am sending through now the emails received in reply to the conference meeting you held last Thursday./" I was proud that my voice was still professional and clear even if my fingers trembled.

/"Is that all?/" He raised a brow, waiting for more.

/"No sir, I need you to sign off on the charity fundraiser for the hospital,/" I replied, looking for the said paperwork. Had I left it behind?

/"So where is the document?/"

I'd left the required piece of paper on my desk. I internally facepalmed myself. I held my finger up. Tobias rolled his eyes at me, clearly annoyed by my mistake with his hand open waiting for the document. /"Ah, one-minute sir./"

I heard him sigh, annoyed at me no doubt. I ducked out and retrieved the document before sliding it on the desk in front of him. He sighed it without even glancing at it, passing it back at me. His attention was once more fully on his laptop. I didn't exist in his world, so I took the moment to study him. Stolen moments when I got to observe my bosses were rare, and I always took advantage of them.

I couldn’t help but notice that he looked tired. Dark circles hung under his normally vibrant blue eyes, and his skin was a little paler than his normal golden tan. I stared off into space, completely forgetting what I was supposed to be doing, too busy admiring my boss and having another one of those completely inappropriate daydreams. Mr. Kane cleared his throat awkwardly, dragging me from my thoughts. He raised his eyebrow at me, catching me checking him out. That didn't usually happen. Had I made some sort of noise?

/"Oh, sorry sir./" I stumbled over the words and ducked my head to hide my red cheeks. He shook his head at me, but I heard a small chuckle. I turned around embarrassed, ran from the room, and closed the door.

Both men always made me flustered. I felt kind of cloudy in their presence, I have even forgotten to breathe. The last time it happened, I passed out. To be fair, I hadn’t eaten so my brain was already mush. I awoke to Theo’s concerned face leaning over me, all while Tobias just stared at me like I was mentally challenged. Like seriously who forgets to breathe? It is meant to be a basic bodily function, and I couldn't even get that right.

That was the day I realized why no one wanted this job. It was incredibly hard to focus on work around them, on the verge of impossible. They could become an instant distraction without meaning to. I also found Mr. Kane could be quite horrible. I don’t think he realized the nasty things he said when he was angry. Luckily for him, I had tough skin and desperately needed this job. I also made sure I had my tablet in my hand every time I went into his office on the off chance he throws something. I watched him hit the tech guy with a drink bottle once when he was in a fit of rage. Seriously, the bloke had anger issues and needed some therapy or something. Everyone walked on eggshells around him except for Theo. The tech guy hadn’t been back since, not that I could blame him.

Sitting at my desk, I chuckled at the memory before turning back to my computer. My job was surprisingly great and easy, plus it paid well. Not much physical activity was required unless you counted answering phones and carrying files. The only demanding thing was the hours. I was literally on-call 24/7. Not just as their secretary but also as a personal assistant, not that they get me to do much unless it is work-related. The hours could be ghastly at times, like working until the early hours of the morning before big deadlines. But at least on those days, I don't have to worry about the cold.

Hitting the print button, I walked into the printer room that sat off the side of the kitchenette. I was waiting for my printed document when the printer made a beep before an error code popped up. The paper tray was empty. Bending down, I opened up the door on the printer and removed the tray before going to the drawer to get some paper.

The cupboard was empty. Walking out, I headed over to the storeroom. Opening the door, I flicked on the light and peered around at the shelves. I sighed when I saw where it had been placed. And yet, I was not surprised. Some moron had decided to stack it on the top shelf in one giant pile. Pulling the step ladder out from behind the door, I sat on it and took my heels off, and climbed up. I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach the box. I gripped it with the tip of my fingers and pulled it towards the edge, sending the stack of papers wobbling.

/"Need a hand?/" Theo asked from directly behind me. I gasped and jumped in fright; I teetered as I lost my balance. Quickly gripping onto the shelf with my fingertips, I righted myself and regained my footing. My heart hammered in my chest over the close call. Once my heart rate calmed down, I became quickly aware of the hand grasping my ass. Slowly, I looked down, my boss, Theo’s hand was holding me steady, by holding me by the ass. His large hand pressed firmly on my butt through my pants, I could literally feel his palm, his thumb nestled between my legs pressing where my core was. Thank god, I had pants on today and not a skirt. His finger would have gotten a bit damp from all those vivid daydreams.

/"Um boss,/" I said, peering down at his hand. He finally noticed where he had grabbed me. A slight smirk crept its way onto his face. The feel of his large hand on me made my skin burn and my insides melt. An unfamiliar feeling washed over me. What was wrong? I had to fight the urge to clench my thighs shut to stop the sudden ache between my legs.

Instead of letting go like a normal person, he ran his hand over the curve of my ass and down the inside of my thigh, pausing to grasp at my ankle. Only then did he pull his flesh away from me. My skin flushed with embarrassment at me crushing on my gay boss. Theo paused to sniff the air for a second, a sly smile blossoming onto his face at my embarrassment. He then reached over and grabbed the stupid box I had painstakingly tried to retrieve, shoving the rest of the paper to the side as he retrieved the stupid thing as if it was easy.

I quickly stepped down the ladder and put my heels back on before grabbing the box from him. I avoided looking at his face

/"Were you looking for something?/" I asked. I had a whole new fantasy to enjoy myself after that little interaction. I still burned from every area he'd touched. I walked from the storeroom back to the printer, and he followed me with that same little smirk plastered on his lips.

/"Yeah, I tried to print something when I realized the printer was out of paper,/" Theo replied, leaning on the bench next to the printer.

I quickly loaded the paper onto the tray before inserting it back into the printer. Clearing the error, I hit print. The machine printed out the documents and I grabbed mine to get them out of his way. I stapled them together and placed them on the counter. When no more came out, I turned to Theo. /"Are you sure you hit print?/" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Theo seemed to think before speaking. /"I think so./"

I rolled my eyes at him and walked into his office. He followed behind me and stood in the doorway to his office, leaning against the door frame watching me with those eyes of his. I once again felt every bit the prey, but this time I was excited about it.