

Melana POV

Josie glances at her watch, /"I think the shift change is about to happen/" She says before she suddenly starts climbing down. I reluctantly followed, grabbing the bag on my way down that was hanging from a branch. When we get to the ground we hide in shrubs looking at the bridge. The patrols have been tighter than ever and we needed to get across to set the plans in motion but we also needed to be smart. If anyone was alerted to us stepping across we would find ourselves in deep shit.

/"Ok once the new shift patrol takes over, you take out one, I will take out the other/" Josie says pulling the dart guns out.

/"That will give us 6 hours before the next shift comes on and we can drag them out of sight/" Josie tells me and I nod. We watched the patrols talk, Ace was speaking with them along with Jacob when he turned looking in our direction. We manage to duck down out of sight before he spots us.