

Aria’s POV

Moving past Ryder, I felt my arm brush against his, I went to walk inside, Ryder was directly behind me, his glare burning into my back. I walked inside and made my way to Lily’s bedroom. Ryder smacking into my back at my sudden stopping. I gripped the handle and twisted, opening the door, I popped my head in and could see her laying in her bed fast asleep, her unicorn plushie tucked tightly under her arm as she cuddled into it. Closing the door gently, I headed up the stairs towards our bedroom. Behind me, I could feel Reid’s entire body shaking violently. His anger so much he couldn’t see that I was breaking, about to come apart at the seams. When the door opened, I felt his sudden shift. Shifting in such close quarters had me thrown through the door, making me land on the floor on my stomach. I have never seen them angry enough to see them shift out of anger so quickly.