

Three Months later

Lana POV

We haven't had a single attack in three months, everything has been peaceful. Waddling down the stairs to see who knocked on the front door. Drake beats me to the door as he swings it open.

Arial walking in a huge grin plastered on her face. As she all but bounced on the spot with excitement.

/"You shit the bed, why are you here this early?/" Drake asks, letting her in. It was a little after 7am and I could smell the kids had just eaten porridge, the smell of honey hitting my nose.

/"Close your eyes/" she tells him before winking at me, oh no she was going to do something. Drake closes his eyes holding out his hand expectantly while she holds up and shows me what's in her other hand.

/"Both hands Drake/" she tells him. And he complies with a sigh. She pulls something from her back pocket dropping it one hand and placing what looks like a piece of paper in the other.