

Ryker POV

I waited for her to come out of the bathroom, only when she did she froze like a deer in headlights, her eyes darting around looking for an escape. What exactly do you say to someone, when you almost killed them, but not only nearly caused their death but made sure their death was going to be painful, torturous only to be wrong the entire time.

If Tyson hadn’t woken, I hate to think what I would have done to her, it is just lucky she has an unnatural ability to heal. Lucky she was no part human because otherwise I don’t see a way for her to forgive me for what I did. But I had to try, I had to try to fix what I broke.

/"I’m sorry/" I told her the words were painful as they left my lips but I truly meant them. What I wasn’t expecting though was for her to throw my own words at me, making me wonder just how much capacity I actually did have for the word.