

Ryker’s POV

Walking down stairs I grab my wallet before walking outside just in time to see Damien’s black mustang pulling into the driveway. I walk over, opening the door before climbing in.

/"I heard, I have a sister I didn't know about,/" he says thoughtfully. I click my seatbelt in and he turns the car around speeding out of the driveway.

/"Yes apparently you do/" I tell him, rummaging in my pocket for my smokes. I pull one out, lighting it and drawing back before winding the window down.

‘Where to, and give me one of those '' Damien says.

/"Head toward Avalon City, and I thought lily made you quit/"

/"What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, besides if you're smoking in my car you can at least give me one/" He says holding his hand out. I pull another from the packet, lighting it before handing it to him.

He draws back on it. /"Argh thats better then sex/" He says and I shake my head with laugh.