

Vanessa smiled and dropped her cutleries /"if I tell you, you won't believe me/" she picked her napkin and dabbed at her mouth before looking at Sasha with a smile.

Sasha looked thoughtful for a while before saying /"try me./"

Vanessa smiled /"Michael told me./"

Sasha dropped her fork in shock while staring at Vanessa frozen.

Vanessa chuckled at that /"he told me and he also told me that you didn't check in with his name but as Sasha White and also your room number, that was why it wasn't hard getting the receptionist to call you./"

Rather than recovering from her shock, Sasha sunk deeper in it, after a while she said /"he knows./"

/"Yes/" Vanessa nodded /"he knows you are here and he also know you went to a club last night. When I brought it up, he said he knew./"

Sasha stared at her mother in law in shock /"will I ever get away from him? Is it possible for me to go to a place without him knowing?/"