

Sasha watched the leaving man in the wheelchair through her window. She can hear the thumping of her heart loud in her ears, did he just call her name? And twice even. She watched him get into his car longingly, she has missed him, his figure, his face, his voice, she has missed everything and she thought she was getting over him, what a joke.

All it took was to see his face again and her heartbeat increased, what made her think she could forget a love that had been nurtured for fourteen years? Why is she secretly happy that he refused to sign the papers? No Sasha! She screamed in her mind, don't be lead by your heart again, you have to let him go, you are not meant to be. This feeling of ecstasy won't last for long, he might have been gentle with you just now but that doesn't mean he will forever, he doesn't love you, he doesn't value you and what's worse? He will never do, he said so himself.